Year 5/6 Visit to Royal Albert Memorial Museum

World War II—Years 5/6


Tuesday, 1st and Thursday, 3rd October


This week, year 5/6 visited Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter to learn more about World War II and how Exeter was affected during The Blitz.  


The children were able to try on wartime clothing and to learn more about the importance of rationing and 'Digging for Victory!'.  A highlight of the visit was to experience our own air raid drill and using the air raid shelter!


It was fantastic to see the children engaged and sharing their knowledge about World War II with the staff and volunteers at the museum. 


We received some very complimentary feedback from the museum; who were impressed by the children’s knowledge of the subject and their superb behaviour during the visits. Well done everyone!


During the week, we were also fortunate to have the use of some World War II artefacts from the Barnstaple Museum. The children loved exploring the different items, dressing up in the clothing and an array of different hats and helmets.  We particularly enjoyed sounding the air raid siren. 


We have had a fantastic immersive World War II experience this week.