School Council

School Council
A school council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views.
Pupil voice at Orchard Vale is important and enhances our links with the school, community and wider community.
We have a fantastic school council made up of children who were elected by their class. 
Each week they meet at 12.00 on a Monday with Mrs Pearce and Miss Gulliford to discuss what is going well, what their peers would like to share and any news. Being part of the school council holds other responsibilities. Councillors are seen as representatives of the school and are called on to support events like the jubilee celebrations and remembrance day. All pupils know who their class councillors are and able to raise questions or concerns to them directly or during the regular class discussion. It is important pupils understand their voice has weight and should be heard. 
This year their vision is to ensure that children have their voices heard and they want to continue to fundraise as much as possible for charity.
School council have re-instated the 'tidiest cloakroom' award and each week they present the winner in assembly. 
Previous initiatives
December 2022
Road Safety Awareness
November 14th- November 20th 2022 was road safety awareness week. To support this the School Council created 'design a road sign' competition. The winner had their design made into a sign and has been attached to the fence to remind children, parents and the wider community that 'safety never hurts'. A big well done to our winner, Olivia!
January 2023
International Popcorn day
 The School Council organised a fun celebration across the school for International Popcorn Day.
The classes were given popcorn to taste and popcorn for tasks! They did a variety of creative activities such as playing tennis with popcorn, relay races and balancing bowls on their head! They also researched where popcorn originated from.
International Lego week
For Lego week the School Council created a Lego challenge. The children had a limit of 100 bricks and had to enter their most creative design not from a kit! We had incredible prizes and our winners were Mia, Summer and George!
March 2023
World Book day
We would like to say a big thank you to all of the generous book donations we received for our book giving day. These books were wrapped and re-gifted as prizes for the most creative and inspiring World Book Day costumes by our wonderful school council members.