Years 3 & 4 Information
Welcome to Years 3 and 4
The following information is specific to Years 3 and 4 therefore please read carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, then please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Morning Routine
There will be an early morning activity for your child to complete independently and to support their settling into the day. These tasks are a variety of: reading, spelling, handwriting, maths, completion of previous work, brainteasers and even craft activities.
8:50am – playground gates will be locked. If you arrive after this time, please report to the School Office.
Communicating with class teachers
Class Teacher’s will dismiss your child from the playground at the end of the day and therefore if you have any concerns, please do discuss these at the end of the day.
Break time snacks – the Government does not supply fruit in years 3 and 4. If your child would like a healthy snack for break time please provide them with either fruit or cheese. Please note we are a NUT FREE school due to both child/staff allergies.
End of School Routine
3.25pm – class ends.
Class Teachers will lead their classes to the playground and dismiss children once they see their parent in the playground.
Children will not be handed over unless we have your authority.
If you allow your child to walk home please provide written, signed consent with a date for this and hand to the class teacher.
If your child is an independent reader, then they have access to age appropriate texts within their classroom book corner. These are to be changed when completed.
Children are encouraged to read for 20 minutes per night and record these on their High Flying Reader sheets. Once they have read for a certain amount of nights, they earn rewards and visit the Proud Cloud and are celebrated on the newsletter.
Please note we will only issue a new reading book once the old one has been returned. Please do encourage children to respect these books.
Misplaced items, which are not labelled, will be placed in the lost property area on the Key Stage Two landing, near Years 5 and 6 classes for children to check.
PE sessions are on a Monday and Tuesday for all classes.
Please ensure children have the appropriate PE kit.
Outdoor Learning
Please could we ask you to ensure your child has a raincoat/forest school overalls and a pair of wellies clearly named and in a carrier bag.
Forest school sessions are as follows:
Mr Whapham’s class – Wednesday
Mr Bayliss' class – Thursday
Mrs Johnson’s class – Friday
Children have received a homework task sheet for the term, alongside a knowledge organiser.
Children will be informally tested on their knowledge and facts from their knowledge organiser weekly and will be told which section to revise for the week ahead.
Homework tasks can be handed in via Teams or on paper – we love to display work in the classroom! Children will be rewarded with stars or dojos to celebrate their hard work.
Every Friday, children will be tested on their spellings. They will also have their soundcheck scores recorded from Times Tables Rockstars. Alongside this, they complete their Times Tables Safari in which they have 5 minutes (Year 3) or 3 minutes (Year 4) to get every answer correct and move on.
Children are sent new spellings every Friday via Teams.
School Dinner
The dinner menu will run until half term. A copy can be found on the front of the website.
The cost of school dinners cost £2.30.
Children in Year 3 are no longer entitled to the Government’s Universal Free School Meals.
In our efforts to be eco-friendly information regarding our week, diary dates and updates will be emailed to parents/carers via the Orchard Vale Weekly Newsletter using the email address we hold on our school management system.
All correspondence will be posted on the school website
Information specific for years 3 and 4 will be posted under Parent Information/Years 3 / 4.
Contact Details
If you have changed your address, email address or contact details please advise the school office as soon as possible.
Ideally we require details of at least 2 Emergency Contacts.
Are you eligible for the Government Pupil Premium Funding?
Benefits for your child – if your child is registered under the Government Pupil Premium Scheme, the Government will allocate funding for Orchard Vale to use to help subsidise your child’s learning support in school. This includes: free school meals, school trips and school residential trips. Please contact the school office for more information.
If you have any questions please come and speak to us.
Kind regards
Mrs Johnson Mr Whapham Mr Bayliss