Year 5/6 Visit to Royal Albert Memorial Museum

3rd October 2024

Years 5 and 6 visit to RAMM – Thursday, 3rd October 2024


As you know, this term we are studying conflicts around the world; we have arranged to visit the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter, where we will be taking part in fun World War II workshops/tour. The children will be able to take an active role in their learning about life during the Second World War on the Home Front through some of the darkest days in Britain’s history.  We will learn not only about survival, but about how people worked together to ‘do their bit’ to help the war effort; learning about the Exeter Blitz and home life; clothing and uniform; air raids and ARP wardens; rationing, food and Dig for Victory and a postcard home.  Following our visit the children will be completing work in the classroom based on their experiences during the day.


We will be traveling via coach and leaving Orchard Vale at 8.15am promptly, so the children will need to be in school for 7.50am, for the coach to leave on time.  We anticipate arriving back by the normal end of school day.  


The children MUST wear full school uniform, to help us easily identify them amongst other visitors.  Please ensure the children bring a raincoat and sensible/comfortable shoes.


The children will need a packed lunch and plenty to drink in a labelled, plastic container. 


If your child is asthmatic and likely to require medication, could you please ensure we have the appropriate medication in school before the day of the trip.  If your child suffers from travel sickness please ensure they have taken a tablet before arriving at school and complete a green medical form for any tablets that need to be administered before the return journey (please call at the school office the week before the trip to complete a medical form and hand over the medication for the return journey).