Wild Day Out - Years 5/6

19th September 2024

Wild Day Out at Collard Bridge Scout Campsite, Snapper

Thursday, 19th September 2024


As part of team building and developing relationships in Years 5/6 we have organised a ‘Wild Day Out’, taking place at Collard Bridge Scout Campsite, Snapper on Thursday, 19th September.


Children will take part in various outdoor activities (fire lighting, tunnelling, wide-games, den building), aimed at enhancing their self-esteem, independence and team building skills. All activities will take place on site and outdoors. 


It would be helpful if parents could arrange to car share – please feel free to arrange this yourself and note on the return slip who will be collecting your child (directions were attached to the letter sent home)


Kit –please no jeans as these are uncomfortable if they get wet. Please label all items.

Long sleeved top

Tracksuit bottoms/leggings

(No shorts/skirts)

Waterproof trousers

(if you have them)



Warm jumper/

Fleece top

Warm hat/sunhat

(Depending on the weather

Wellington Boots/walking boots or trainers which can/will get wet/muddy


(For tunnelling)

Might be useful to send:

Suncream – if sunny

Please apply at home and bring some to reapply.

Insect repellent (please apply at home)



Lunch - The children will need to bring a packed lunch and drink with them (there will water available to refill bottles). 


Medication – If your child is likely to require ANY medication during this activity, please ensure you complete a Green Medication Administration Form (which you can obtain from the school office).