Year 5/6 - Group 1 Swimming lessons

9th October 2024

Swimming lessons - Years 5/6


Living so close to the coast/rivers it is essential that all children are confident in and around water.   As part of the PE curriculum this term children who are unable to swim 25M will be taking part in 4 swimming lessons, each lasting 60 minutes on Wednesdays, on the dates below.  These have been booked through the Tarka Leisure Centre.  These swimming lessons will take place on:


Wednesday, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd October


We will be travelling by coach to and from the Leisure Centre and children will be back at school in time for lunch.  We are in a fortunate position to be able to cover the cost of this activity from our Sports Funding and as such do not need to ask parents for any contribution.


The Leisure Centre instructors will assess each child’s current swimming capabilities on the first session and will place them in groups of similar abilities. 


Thank you for your support.