Watermouth Castle

4th July 2023

Years 3 and 4 – Visit to the Watermouth Castle

Tuesday, 4th July 2023


Thank you all for making your donations towards our visit to Watermouth Castle, we are all really looking forward tomorrow.


Please could the children arrive in school on time as the coach will be departing at 9am.


The children will need to wear their school uniform tops, to help us easily identify them, but can wear their own trousers/skirts/shorts/

  1.   Please ensure the children have:


a raincoat

a warm top

a sunhat

wear sensible/ comfortable shoes.


If the weather is hot, please ensure they have applied suncream before leaving home, they can have some in their bags to reapply later in the day. 


The children will need a small rucksack with a packed lunch and a drink in a labelled, plastic container.  


If your child is asthmatic and likely to require medication, could you, please ensure that this is in your child’s class ready for the day’s trip.