Year 5/6 Cinema Trip

17th November 2023

Years 5/6 - Into Film Festival – Friday, 17th November


The Into Film Festival is an annual UK-wide celebration of film providing memorable cinema experiences for children and young people.  We have been fortunate enough to obtain free tickets for all of Years 5 and 6 to watch Lyle Lyle Crocodile. 


We will be walking to and from the cinema, leaving Orchard Vale at 9am promptly.


Children should wear their school uniform, a raincoat, sensible shoes, and bring a drink in a labelled, plastic drinks bottle.


Children will need a packed that day or to order a school packed lunch at morning registration.  Unfortunately, we will arrive back at school too late for children to have a hot meal.


If your child is asthmatic and likely to require medication, could you please ensure that this is in your child’s class on the day of the event.