Years 3/4 - Cross Country

28th September 2023



Years 3 and 4 – Cross Country at Park School


Thursday, 28th September


We are all travelling to Park School in the morning to take part in this fun cross country event. 


Please could the children arrive at school by 8.45am tomorrow ready for registration.  We will be traveling by coach and will be back at school in time for lunch.


Could we ask that the children come to school in their outdoor PE kit (white t-shirt, navy short, trainers, school sweatshirt).  They should bring:-


Warm/waterproof coat 

Tracksuit bottoms/jogging bottoms to keep warm

A drink in a named/plastic container

Sun cream and sun hat – should the weather be sunny


Please could they bring to school their school uniform and shoes to change into after the event ready for their afternoon in class.


If your child is asthmatic and likely to require medication could you please ensure that this is in your child’s class on the day of the event ready to take with them.